Legal information

General informations

Website, hereafter called « » allows an understanding of the Company’s services Technology And Communication (TECACOM).

Access to the site , consultation and its use are subject to the acceptance of these Terms of Use

The website is published by TECACOM Ltd capital of 1,000,000 CFA francs , Registered with the Register of Commerce and Companies under the Coastal region number N° RC/DLA/2012/B/3314 and the taxpayer number M 101200043882c

Headquarters: DOUALA – CAMEROON with the branch located in EUROPE FRANCE

The Publishing Director is Mr. OLIVIER N.
For questions about the company, you can contact send your questions by email.

For legal requisitions , thank you to send us the requisition by Tél./ fax au 00 237 243 088 154. is hosted in Europe